Do what you love
사랑하는 일을 직업으로 갖는 10가지 방법
대부분의 사람들이 자신이 열정을 가지고 있는 분야에 경력을 쌓고 싶어 하죠. 그러나 그들 중 대부분은 사랑은 커녕 심지어 좋아하지도 않는 일에 낑겨 있습니다.
하고 싶어 하는 일을 하며 돈도 벌고 싶은 당신, 어떻게 하면 꿈을 현실로 만들 수 있을 까요?
여기에 당신의 ‘열정’을 ‘경력’으로 만드는 10가지 방법이 있습니다.
1. 자신의 들여다 본다
Focal Point Strategies의 설립자이자 CEO인 Steve Zeitchik 씨는
당신이 사랑하는 일을 하기위해서는 먼저 자신을 정말 즐겁게 하는 것이 무엇인지 깊게생각해 봐야 한다고 말합니다.
Zeitchik가 말합니다.
“잠시 멈추어서, 내가 즐기고 있는 것들에 대해서 이해해야 되요. 가능한한 많은 종류와 디테일들을 포함해서 말이죠”
“한 종류의 특정한 경력이나 산업에 대해서만 생각하지 말아야 해요”
이렇게 당신이 좋아하는 것들의 리스트가 완성이 된 후 에야, 직업으로 발전 시킬 수 있는 것들을 생각 할 수 있습니다.
2. 현실화 시키는 순간을 만든다.
당신의 열정을 가지고 있는 것들 중에서 경력으로 만들고 싶은 것을 골랐으면, ‘이상’을 ‘현실’로 변화 시키는 중요한 스텝를 밟아야 한다고 BusinessNewsDaily의 Maloney는 맣합니다.
“계획은 무조건 종이에 써놔야 합니다. 그것이 정말 보잘것 없고 작은 일일지라도 말이죠”
3. 하고 싶은 일로 어떻게 돈을 벌 수 있나 고민하기
코치 Melanie Connallee는 당신이 하고 싶어 하는 일을 비즈니스로 전환시키기 위해서는 말할 필요도 없이 그것으로 돈 벌기로 결심해야 한다고 말한다.
“머리 굴릴 시간을 좀 내세요” MLC 그룹의 코넬리가 말한다. “길거리를 당신의 시각에서, 구매자의 시각에서, 단골의 시각에서, 청중의 시각에서 한번 들여다 보세요.
그녀는 말한다. 예를 들어, 그림을 사랑하는 사람은 그림을 가르치는 것이나 갤러리에서 일하거나 초상화를 그리는 것으로 돈을 벌 수 있다.
4. 이미 이 길을 걸고 있는 사람과 대화하라.
현재 하고 싶은 일을 하며 생활해 나가고 있는 Alan Kong (Big-Hearted Furniture의 설립자)은 말한다. 자신이 관심이 있는 분야에서 일하고 있는 다른 기업가들을 찾아 봐야 한다고.
“만일 당신이 그 분야에 당신과 같이 똑 같은 열정을 갖었던 사람들과 얘기하고 시간을 보내기 시작한다면, 숨겨져 있던 고충들을 발견해 낼 수 있을 것 입니다. 그리고 그것들은 어떻게 비즈니스 모델을 만들어야 하는지 알려 줄 것 입니다.”
5. 당신을 지지해 줄 사람들을 주의에 머물게 하라.
Sara DiVello 는 기존 직장을 떠나고 그녀가 요가 선생님이 되면서.
체험적으로 무엇이 진짜 열정을 만드는지 알았다. 그녀는 주위에 협력자들을 두는 것이 열쇠라고 생각했다.
“회사 동료들은 아마 거기에 잡혀있다고 생각하고 두려워 하고 있기 때문에, 그들이 당신의 발목을 잡는다.” “ 어떤 동료들은 공공연하게 나를 낙담시키며, 내가 꼭 돌아와야 되고 나중에 후회 할 거라고 말한다.”
Divello는 친구들의 지지가 당신을 덜 외롭게 하고 좀더 용감하게 만들어 준다고 말했다.
10 Ways to Do What You Love for a Living
While most of us would love a career we are passionate about, too many employees are stuck in jobs they don’t even like, let alone love. Finding a way to do what you love for a living benefits both you and your employer, but how do you turn your dream into a reality? Here are 10 ways to turn your passion into a career.
Soul searching
Steve Zeitchik, founder and CEO ofFocal Point Strategies, said that to do something you love, you have to first spend time thinking deeply about things that bring you enjoyment.
“Take a step back and figure out what it is that you enjoy doing,” including as many specifics and details as possible, Zeitchik said. “Don’t categorize it into a specific career or industry.”
Only after you come up with the list of things that bring you joy should you think about the careers that each might fit.
Make time to make it happen
Once you’ve determined which of your passions you want to shape into a career, Deirdre Maloney, business consultant and president of Momentum, said, it is critical to take the steps necessary to turn that idea into a reality.
“Once we pinpoint ideas, we need to do something decidedly not passionate: schedule time in our calendars to come up with our plan to get there,” Maloney told BusinessNewsDaily. “The plan must be written down, even if it’s broken out into tiny, baby steps.”
Figure out how to profit from your passion
Executive coach Melanie Connallee said that to turn something you love into a business, you of course have to determine how to make money from it.
“Spend some time brainstorming,” said Connallee, president of the MLC Group. “Look at it from several avenues – from your perspective, from the buyer’s perspective, the end user’s perspective and the audience perspective.”
She said, for example, people who love art could fund their passions in several ways, including by teaching art, working in a gallery or doing portraits.
Talk to others who have done it
As someone who loves what they do for a living, Alan Kong, founder of Big-Hearted Furniture, said you should find other entrepreneurs already working in your area of interest.
“If you start to spend time and really talk to the market, ones who may have the same passions as yourself, then you will start to uncover hidden pains that will help you figure out how to launch a business model,” Kong said.
Surround yourself with supportive people
Sara DiVello knows firsthand what it takes to make the switch to a true passion, having left her corporate public relations job to become a yoga teacher four years ago.
She believes the key is surrounding yourself with supportive people.
“Because your colleagues may feel just as trapped and scared, a dynamic can evolve where they can actually contribute to holding you back,” DiVello said. “Some coworkers were overtly discouraging, telling me I’d be back, that I’d miss it.”
Divello said the support of friends can make people feel less alone — and much braver.
Be fearless
Making a career change can be a scary prospect, but Jim McKeeth, chief developer-evangelist for RemObjects Software, said you can’t be scared to take the plunge.
“Too many people I talk to are afraid to try doing what they love, because they are afraid they are no good or will make a mistake or that they’re not ready yet,” McKeeth said. “Experiment in your quest for greatness, and when you make a mistake, just keep going.”
Don’t wait around
Chryssa Zizos, founder and president of Live Wire Media Relations, said she believes that the longer people wait to make a career switch to something they love, the less likely they are to ever do it.
“If you have an entrepreneurial spirit, then you should act quickly,” Zizos said. “Open the business you have been dreaming of, because as you get older, you are less likely to take risks.”
Take classes
Before jumping in with both feet, however, Ben Seidel, president of Igniting Business, says those interested in switching their careers to something they love should take some classes or get some professional instruction on the industry. That way, they can make sure the career that truly suits them.
“Invest in some coursework or professional training in that area in order to gauge your talent and endurance,” Seidel said.
Don’t try to do it all on your own
While many may think doing something they love requires that they start their own business, Joe Weinlick, vice president of marketing of career network for, said this doesn’t have to be the case.
“An easier path is to find a company that does something related to your hobby, and try to get a job there,” Weinlick said
For instance, Weinlick said a friend of his loves dogs and that her dream was to start a non-profit that cares for canines.
“She found a job working at an Internet site that provides pet advice and sells pet meds, which is a great fit,” he said
Be patient
Yeosh Bendayan, owner of Push Button Productions, said people pursuing a passion must ready themselves for the early struggles that will inevitably occur.
“Be patient,” Bendayan said. “It took us nearly two years between the start of business and being able to comfortably afford our salaries, so we could quit our day jobs.”
Edited by Chad Brooks
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